Show 64 - Start late, retire early with Eric Creeger

In this episode, I talk with Eric Creeger about how he retired at age 50 even starting his financial independence journey late.

12/18/20241 min read

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It can be quite disheartening to hear advice on how to retire early when you’re starting late on your retirement journey. Eric Creeger shows us it is never too late to start because intentionality with your money will open up options for you, and even allow you to retire early. Find out how Eric retired at age 50 even though he started late.

Show Notes

Retirement prep for late starters episode

Recommended Books (Amazon Affiliate Links)

The Simple Path to Wealth

Key Ideas

  • Self education is the key to self improvement. Be a life long financial learner.

  • Making a plan to get out of debt is key to getting yourself on the right path. Whatever the plan is, stick to it!

  • Live intentionally below your means. Eric mentions a 1+ where they lived on one income and then only did a few fun things with the other income so they could invest the rest.

  • Make strategic career moves to boost income, whether that is exploring additional work options or even moving to a different sector of education.

Bonus Tip

Here is a bonus tip I didn't get to in the episode.

  • If you want to retire early, it is about cash flow, not net worth. If your expenses are $4,000 a month and your passive cash flow is $5,000 a month, then you can retire regardless of net worth. Finding cash flowing investments is another great way to accelerate your retirement journey.

Show Transcript